Monday, April 9, 2012

DIY Bleached Tees

Warm air means that it's time for outdoor projects... finally!

I originally found this idea on A Beautiful Mess and thought to give it a try; now I'm hooked and have more projects planned with bleach painting. This is an easy one that requires not much more than you'd probably find at home, or would spend $10 on at the store.

Bleached Tees 

  • t-shirt(s)
  • bleach
  • paint brush
  • cardboard 

*Note: This project is obviously best for the outdoors because of the use of concentrated bleach. However, if you're stuck with a rainy day, just make sure you have plenty of windows open!

1. Take your tee and place a layer of cardboard inside so the bleach doesn't bleed through to the back.

2. Use a small paintbrush to make very light strokes-- too heavy with the bleach and it'll run and look bloppy. You'll be able to see results almost instantly!

3. Once your design looks how you like, just let it sit outside to dry for a bit. Then, wash and wear!

Enjoy the sunshine! Cheers!