Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cascadia Wallhanging

I was commissioned to created a wallhanging for a friend in the form of a Cascadia flag, and we decided on using wood panels for each stripe to keep that woodsy Cascadia theme. It turned out pretty cool and could definitely be used to create many different styles of wall art.

  • Thin wood panels
[I chose three 36" x 6" for the main part and three smaller 12" x 3" for later attaching the large three panels together. All about 1/4" thick]
  • Acrylic paint
  • Large brushes
  • Mod Podge
  • Wallhanging hardware + 1/4" nails
  • Hammer & screw driver


Step One: painting each board


Step two: Adding the center image (in this case, a Douglas Fir)

I printed out the image in sections, carefully cut out the tree, and used a tiny bit of tacky glue to glue it down. Then I used my darker green acrylic paint and layered it onto the tree, over the glued down paper image. This helps because I'm not very good at free handing images, especially ones that I want to be really precise. And after you are done painting and it is completely dry, layer Mod Podge over the entire piece to give it a more even texture and to make sure the tree is secure.


Step Three: Attaching the boards and adding hardware

I used three smaller boards and, using three nails per board, nailed them to the larger piece to attach. Then I attached the hanging hardware and wire. There are many different ways to hang a piece like this, I just prefer the wire so it is more easily adjusted on the wall.



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