Friday, February 3, 2012

Going Postal: When one Valentine is not enough.

If your sweetheart lives far away; if you don't have the time to see them on Valentine's Day... or if you are like me and happen to think that, when it comes to tokens of affection, more is better... then this is the project for you.

Instead of one Valentine, surprise your sweetie with a whole week's worth of Valentines without breaking the bank!

DIY Week-long Valentine's Envelope Project

  • colored paper (7 pieces)
  • hole punch
  • ribbon
  • glue stick
  • envelope contents (ex: cards, mix CD, handwritten poem, love coupons, etc.) 

Helpful skills:
  • eye-balling measurements
  • folding straight lines


1. Look at your colored paper and decide how deep you would like each pocket to be. Make sure you have an idea of the things you will put inside so that everything will fit. Fold one piece first as a template.

2. Fold the other 6 pieces the exact same size as your first piece. Punch 3 holes in each side of the pocket and tie them shut with small pieces of ribbon.

3. Fold the flaps of each envelope both ways so it is flexible. Glue the inside of the flap to the bottom back of another pocket, creating an accordion. The end result will be able to fold up in a zigzag fashion.

4. Punch a hole in the center of the very top flap (it should be the only flap left unglued). I reinforced the flap with packaging tape first but this step is optional. Tie a long ribbon through the hole so you will be able to tie the entire package shut.

5. Now it's time to get creative! Label each pocket with the day of the week or the specific date. Fill each pocket with fun Valentines and tie it up when it's filled to satisfaction!

The end result can be as cheap or lavish as you like, but all your Valentine will see is how thoughtful you are for extending the holiday!

Here's to celebrating something every day!

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